First meeting between the SCARBO partners and the UAB
On 14 March 2018, at Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse, the SCARBO partners met for the first time with the project User Advisory Board (UAB).
The goal of the meeting was to introduce the UAB members to the project partners and provide the board members with an overview of the first achievements of the project, i.e. the collection and analysis of the user requirements.
Unfortunately, not all the members of the UAB were present (the full list is available on the page "Advisory Board"). Nevertheless, the following representatives could attend:
- Stefano Bruzzi, UAB Chairman, SpaceTec Partners
- Oksana Tarasova, WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)
- Hugo Zunker, European Commission, DG GROW
- Guus Velders, National Institute for National Health and Environment (Netherlands)
- Gregoire Broquet (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, LSCE, France)
- Armin Loscher, ESA
- Clemence Pierangelo, CNES
- Harry Forster, Netherlands Space Office
A vivid exchange following the status update presentations allowed the SCARBO team to gather important feedback, especially concerning the very next steps:
- Finalisation and consolidation of the User Requirements
- Definition of the Mission Requirements
The consortium committed to taking on-board the UAB suggestions for the way forward.